lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
Scrappetizing Memorial Day Sale
Buen día, seguimos con las ventas especiales en esta ocasión en Scrapetizing. Solo por dos días, podrán encontrar todos mis kits y elementos a 90cts. Disfrutenlo! Da clic en el anuncio para ir a la tienda.
Good day, we have an special sale, this time in Scrapetizing. Just for two days, you will find all my kits and elements to .90cts. Enjoy it!!
Click in the ad to go to the store.
"Feel the Heat" Blog Train has left the Station!!!
El Blog train Feel the Heat, ha dejado la estación!! Podrán encontrar hermosos kits de todas las diseñadoras. El verano esta cerca y con ello, mucha diversión: sol, arena, mar!! Suban todos a bordo y acompañenos en este cálido viaje! Organizado por Goodie Trains. Tagger size kit, 11 papeles y 80 elementos. Esta es mi colaboración:
The Blog Train "Feel The Heat" has left the station! You can find beautiful kits of all designers. The Summer is next and with this wonderful season, a bunch of fun: sun, sand, and the sea!! Come aboard and join us all in this incredible journey!
Organized by Goodie Trains. Tagger size kit, 11 papers and 80 elements. Here is my part:
The Blog Train "Feel The Heat" has left the station! You can find beautiful kits of all designers. The Summer is next and with this wonderful season, a bunch of fun: sun, sand, and the sea!! Come aboard and join us all in this incredible journey!
Organized by Goodie Trains. Tagger size kit, 11 papers and 80 elements. Here is my part:
miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010
Memorial Sale at Enchanted Dreams Boutique!!
Para celebrar the Memorial Day, Enchanted Dreams Boutique está organizando una gran venta que se llevará a cabo del 28 al 31 de Mayo. Podrás encontrar todos mis kits y packs de elementos con un descuento del 50% de descuento. Si tu orden es de mas de $10, entrarás en un concurso para ganar un cupon de regalo con valor de $25!!
Disfruta esta sensacional venta!
To celebrate the Memorial Day, Enchanted Dreams Boutique has organized a huge sale which will be from May 28th to May 31th. You can find all my kits and element packs with a 50% discount.
If your order is over $ 10, you enter a contest to win a gift coupon worth $ 25! Enjoy this sensational sale!
Disfruta esta sensacional venta!
To celebrate the Memorial Day, Enchanted Dreams Boutique has organized a huge sale which will be from May 28th to May 31th. You can find all my kits and element packs with a 50% discount.
If your order is over $ 10, you enter a contest to win a gift coupon worth $ 25! Enjoy this sensational sale!
Freebie Dream Princess Quick Page
Disfruta esta hermosa Quick Page, complemento de mi kit Dream Princess. Experimenta la magia con esta Quick Page, perfecta para la hermosa princesita en casa y genial para un buen regalo. Disfrutala! Esta disponible en The Creativity Box.
Enjoy this beautiful Quick Page, add on of my kit Dream Princess. Feel the magic with this QP! Perfect for the beautiful little princess in home, and a great gift.Enjoy it!!
Available in The Creativity Box.
martes, 25 de mayo de 2010
Nueva Tag! New tag made with my PTU Kit Dream Princess
Hola, les tengo otra novedad el día de hoy: esta hermosa tag hecha con mi PTU kit "Dream Princess". Esta hermosa tag fue hecha por Conchi DNScraps, Conchi, mil gracias, esta tag es bellísima, me encantó!
Podrán encontrar el tutorial en
Disfruto mucho ver estos trabajos, son un regalo para mi después del trabajo realizado. Realmente esto no tiene precio para mi, gracias.
Hello, I have another new today: This beautiful tag made with my PTU kit "Dream Princess". This beautiful tag was made by Conchi DNScraps, Conchi, thank you, this tag is beautiful, I loved it!
You can find the tutorial
I enjoy when i receive these works, are a gift for me after work. This really is priceless for me, thanks.
Podrán encontrar el tutorial en
Disfruto mucho ver estos trabajos, son un regalo para mi después del trabajo realizado. Realmente esto no tiene precio para mi, gracias.
Hello, I have another new today: This beautiful tag made with my PTU kit "Dream Princess". This beautiful tag was made by Conchi DNScraps, Conchi, thank you, this tag is beautiful, I loved it!
You can find the tutorial
I enjoy when i receive these works, are a gift for me after work. This really is priceless for me, thanks.
Varitas Mágicas y hermosas coronas, este paquete contiene un template de corona, que podrás ajustar a tus necesidades para usar las en tus kits o proyectos. También contiene varitas mágicas listas para rellenar y adornar. Se han añadido dos sets de 3 varitas mágicas y 3 coronas terminadas, con aplicaciones de glitter, 3 colores: rosa, lila y azul. Disfruta este asombroso paquete que te ofrece la posibilidad de armar tus propias varitas mágicas y coronas de princesas. Los elementos terminados vienen en formato PNG, la template, viene en formato PSP y PSD. 2000x2000 px, Commercial use y personal use. Vive la magia!!
Magic Wands and beautiful crowns, this package contains a template of a crown, you can adjust it to your requirements to use in your kits or projects. It also contains magic wands ready to fill and decorate. You will get two sets of three magic wands and three crowns finished, with glitter,3 colors: pink, purple and blue. Enjoy this amazing package that offers you the possibility to set up your own magic wands and crowns princesses. The finished items are in PNG format, the template comes in PSP (compatible with version 7 and up)and format PSD. 2000x2000 px, Commercial use and personal use. Experience the magic!
Al igual que las mariposas de Glitter, estas mariposas de seda han salido para esparcir su polvo magico mas allá del Sueño de la Princesa y llenar nuestros sueños de color. Puedes usarlas para decorar tus layouts o incluirlas en tus Scrap kits. Este paquete consiste en 12 mariposas de seda en diferentes colores. A 300 dpi, archivos en formato PNG's de 2000x2000 pixeles aproximadamente.Siente la magia! CU, PU.
Like Glitter butterflies, the silk butterflies have come to spread their magic dust beyond the Dream Princess and fill our dreams of color. You can use them to decorate your layouts or include them in your Scrap kits. This package contains Silk butterflies in 12 different colors. At 300 dpi, PNG's file format of 2000x2000 pixels. Feel the magic! CU, PU.
Al igual que las mariposas de Glitter, estas mariposas de seda han salido para esparcir su polvo magico mas allá del Sueño de la Princesa y llenar nuestros sueños de color. Puedes usarlas para decorar tus layouts o incluirlas en tus Scrap kits. Este paquete consiste en 12 mariposas de seda en diferentes colores. A 300 dpi, archivos en formato PNG's de 2000x2000 pixeles aproximadamente.Siente la magia! CU, PU.
Like Glitter butterflies, the silk butterflies have come to spread their magic dust beyond the Dream Princess and fill our dreams of color. You can use them to decorate your layouts or include them in your Scrap kits. This package contains Silk butterflies in 12 different colors. At 300 dpi, PNG's file format of 2000x2000 pixels. Feel the magic! CU, PU.
Disfruta la primavera y la magia del nuevo kit Dream Princess. Estas mariposas de glitter han volado fuera del kit y han posado sus alas en este paquete para llenar de magia tus kits, layouts y diseños creativos. 10 mariposas en diferentes colores, a 300 dpi, archivos en formato PNG's de 2000x2000 pixeles aproximadamente. Vive la magia y disfrutalas! CU, PU.
Enjoy the spring and the magic of the new kit Dream Princess. These glitter butterflies that have flown out of the kit and have rested their wings in this package to fill of magic your kits, layouts and creative designs. 10 butterflies in different colors, 300 dpi, PNG's file format of 2000x2000 pixels. Experience the magic and enjoy! CU and PU.
Amigos del Zoo, diviértete creando un kit o elementos con este paquete de templates. Desde frames, embellecedores, paletas, overlays, las posibilidades son infinitas, y los resultados asombrosos. Este pack consiste en 8 templates de animales, muestras de ejemplo incluidas. Las templates vienen en formato PSD y PSP (compatibles con la versión 7 en adelante). A 300 dpi, con un tamaño de 2000x2000 pixeles aproximadamente. El background no esta incluido.Uso personal y comercial.
Zoo Friends, have fun creating a kit or elements with this pack of templates. From frames, embellishments, lollipops, overlays, etc. The possibilities are endless, and the results could be amazing. This pack consists of 8 templates of animals faces, including samples in the preview. The templates come in PSD, and PSP format (compatible with version 7 and up). At 300 dpi, with a size of 2000x2000 pixels approx. The background is not included. PU, CU, CU4CU.
Movie Night - Template Pack
Noches de cine, muchos de nosotros hemos disfrutado de una noche de película en compañía de amigos, nuestra familia o nuestro ser amado. Las noches de cine son noches de diversión. Sentados confortablemente, disfrutando una bolsa de palomitas. =)
Este paquete de templates te será muy util para crear tus kits de películas o cine. Consiste en 12 templates, en formato PSD y PSP. El formato PSP es compatible con versiones de la 7 en adelante. A 300 dpi, 2500x2500 pixeles. Las muestras que estan en la preview, estan incluidas. =)
MOVIE NIGHT TEMPLATE PACK Movie nights ... many of us have enjoyed a movie night in the company of friends, family or our loved one. Movie nights are nights of fun! Seated comfortably enjoying a bag of popcorn. This set of templates will be useful to create your movie kits. This pack consists of 12 templates, PSD and PSP format. The PSP templates are compatible with versions 7 and up. At 300dpi, 2500x2500px. Samples in the preview, are included. PU, CU, CU4CU.
Where can i find this item?
Donde puedo encontrar este producto?
Nuevos Items! New Items!
Hola, buen día a todos, he tenido una semana bastante ocupada, es por eso que no había podido compartir con ustedes las novedades. Tengo nuevos items en las tiendas, se los comparto uno por uno, espero los disfruten!
Hi, good day to everybody. I have been having a busy week, that is why i couldnt put in the blog more news. I have new items in the stores, i want to share with all of you, i hope you enjoy it!
Hi, good day to everybody. I have been having a busy week, that is why i couldnt put in the blog more news. I have new items in the stores, i want to share with all of you, i hope you enjoy it!
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
Yahoo Group!!! Disyas News!
Hola, en estos días les tendré bastantes novedades. Estan por salir algunos items nuevos que estoy segura les encantarán. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión quiero compartirles que he creado un grupo de yahoo al que podrán suscribirse para recibir noticias de mis nuevos freebies, tutoriales, scrap kits y elementos de uso comercial. Podran encontrar el campo de suscripción en la columna de la derecha, o en este mensaje. Para celebrar esta nueva opción, daré a los que se inscriban un calendario del mes de Junio, elaborado con elementos del kit "Dream Princess". Este calendario podrán encontrarlo de venta en algunas tiendas para las que diseño, pero, las personas que se suscriban, lo obtendran gratis. Es un pequeño regalo para agradecer su participación en mi blog, sus comentarios y el entusiasmo que me transmiten. =)
Hi to everybody, these days I'll have several news. Some new items will be released I'm sure will love them. But this time I want to share that I created a yahoo group where you can subscribe to receive updates of my new freebies, tutorials, scrap kits and elements of commercial use. You can find the field to subscribe in the right column, or in this message. To celebrate this new option, i'll give to those who sign up a June Calendar 2010, made with elements of my PTU kit "Dream Princess". You will find this June Calendar 2010 for sale in some stores for that i design, but if you subscribe to the group, will be yours for free. It is a small gift to thank you for your participation in my blog, your comments and enthusiasm. =)
Hi to everybody, these days I'll have several news. Some new items will be released I'm sure will love them. But this time I want to share that I created a yahoo group where you can subscribe to receive updates of my new freebies, tutorials, scrap kits and elements of commercial use. You can find the field to subscribe in the right column, or in this message. To celebrate this new option, i'll give to those who sign up a June Calendar 2010, made with elements of my PTU kit "Dream Princess". You will find this June Calendar 2010 for sale in some stores for that i design, but if you subscribe to the group, will be yours for free. It is a small gift to thank you for your participation in my blog, your comments and enthusiasm. =)
Sizzlin' Saturdays at The Creativity Box
Buen día a todos, seguimos teniendo novedades por aquí. En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes una gran venta que organiza The Creativity Box, esta venta será los Sábados, podrán encontrar precios espectaculares. Mis kits y elementos estarán a solo $1.00, solo el sábado, asi que no dejen pasar esta gran oportunidad! Preparense un snack, tomen asiento comodamente frente a su computadora y disfruten un buen rato visitando la tienda y viendo estas increíbles ofertas! Para ir a la tienda, solo da clic en el anuncio. =)
Good day to all, i have some news around here. This time I want to share with you a great sale organized by The Creativity Box, this sale will be on Saturday, where you will find great prices. My kits and items will be just $ 1.00, only on Saturday, so do not miss this great opportunity! Prepare a snack, sit down comfortably at your computer and enjoy a good time visiting the store and seeing these incredible offers! To go to the store, just click in the Ad.
Good day to all, i have some news around here. This time I want to share with you a great sale organized by The Creativity Box, this sale will be on Saturday, where you will find great prices. My kits and items will be just $ 1.00, only on Saturday, so do not miss this great opportunity! Prepare a snack, sit down comfortably at your computer and enjoy a good time visiting the store and seeing these incredible offers! To go to the store, just click in the Ad.
sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010
Dream Princess has Released!!! Feel The Magic!!
El Sueño de la Princesa ha llegado!!
El Sueño de la princesa.
Este kit esta inspirado en la magia que rodea nuestras vidas durante la infancia. Cuando somos niños, vemos el mundo con ojos diferentes,cada parque representa una aventura, un mundo por descubrir. La magia llena nuestros corazones, poblando nuestros días de interminables fantasías. Reímos una y otra vez creando mundos fantasticos, nos convertimos en aquello que deseamos: médicos,buscadores de tesoros, héroes y princesas.
Cada uno de nosotros, ha soñado un mundo maravilloso durante su infancia, ha dado
origen en su imaginación a un cuento maravilloso y hemos traído, muchas veces sin saberlo,la magia a nuestra vida adulta. Muchos nos hemos convertido en aquello que soñamos, muchos se han vuelto héroes para sus seres queridos, hemos encontrado tesoros en el amor de nuestros hijos,padres, hermanos, amigos. Hemos vivido aventuras, y las seguimos experimentando cada día. Por ello, la magia habita en nuestro corazón y el sueño de la Princesa y de los principes, sigue vivo, en nosotros y en nuestros niños.
Espero que disfruten este kit tanto como disfruté creándolo y recuerden, mientras juegan con él, parte de aquellos sueños de infancia y regale un fantasía maravillosa a sus niños. Gracias por formar parte de mi propio sueño. =)
Que podrán encontrar en este kit? Bien, consiste en 20 papeles y 130 elementos: libros de cuentos, mariposas, botones, carruaje, clips, coronas, varitas mágicas, flores, alas de hada, bordes florales y cuadros con flores y glitter, naturaleza, tarjetas de diario, tarjetitas decoradas, almohadas, moños, listones, portaretratos decorados y 20 maravillosos papeles. Y por supuesto, una hermosa princesa.
Pueden encontrar este hermoso kit en tamaño tagger y full size, a 300 dpi.
Uso Personal.
Princess Dream
Dream Princess, this kit is inspired by the magic that surrounds our lives during childhood. As children, we see the world through different eyes, each park is an adventure, a world of discovery. The magic fills our hearts, filling our days of endless fantasies. We laugh again and again creating fantasy worlds, we become what we want: doctors, treasure hunters, heroes and princesses.
Each of us has dreamed of a wonderful world during our childhood, has originated in the imagination a wonderful story and we have brought, often unknowingly the magic to our adult lives. Many of us have become what we dream many have become heroes to their loved ones, we have found treasures in the love that we feel for our children, parents, loved ones, friends. We have lived adventures, and we experiencing every day. Therefore, the magic lives in our hearts and the dream Princess and princes, still alive in us and our children.
I hope you enjoy this kit as much as I enjoyed creating it and, while you play with it, remember some of those childhood dreams and gave a wonderful fantasy to your children. Thank you for joining to my own dream. =)
what will you find in this kit? This kit consists of 20 papers and 130 elements: Books, butterflies, buttons, carriage, clips, crowns, magic wands, flowers, fairy wings, floral borders, floral and glitter frames, foliage, journal tags, tags, pillows, bows, ribbons and a beautiful princess.
You can find this beautiful kit in tagger size and full size, 300 dpi.
Personal use.
Available in May 14th / Disponible a partir del 14 de Mayo
Disponible en Full Size y Tagger size / Available in Full Size and Tagger Size
Full size Available in:/ Tamaño grande disponible en:
So Sweet Scraps
Enchanted Dreams Boutique
The Creativity Box
Tagger size Available in: / Tamaño tagger disponible en:
Lollipops n Gumdrops
Proximamente, podrás encontrar el tamaño Full en todas las tiendas. =)
In a short time, you will find the Full size in all the stores. =)
In a short time, you will find the Full size in all the stores. =)
jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010
Seasons in The Sun Blog Train has left the Station!
Seasons in the Sun Blog Train, ha dejado la estación. Unanse a este interesante recorrido bañado por los rayos de sol a través de la playa! Cada estación esta llena de diversión, sol y playa, disfrútenlo! Este Blog Train fue organizado por The Brat Pack Blog Train.
Seasons in the Sun Blog Train, has left the station! Come and join to this interesting tour, filled for the rays of the sun through the beach! Each station is full of fun, sun and beach, enjoy! The Blog Train was organized by The Brat Pack Blog Train.
A continuación les presento mi colaboración:/This is my collaboration:
Stina ::designs by stina::
Tootypup: Tootypup Scraps
Candy: Candys Treasures
Charlene: Memory Lane Creations
Crys: Sinfully Creative Scraps
Crystal: Crystal's Creations
Dani: Darkmoon's Dream
Dilcia: Disya's Digital Designs
Donna: Jessica's Sweet Nothings
Edna: Ahava's Creative Ideas
Foxy: Designs by Foxylady
Jenny: Jenny's Designz
Kara: Sweet Cravings Scraps
Melissa: Melissa's Scraps and More
Nette's NightOwl Works
Pam: CafeKittyDesigns
Pink: Pink's Poetic Scraps
Rae: Designs by Rae
Stef: Stef's Creations
Seasons in the Sun Blog Train, has left the station! Come and join to this interesting tour, filled for the rays of the sun through the beach! Each station is full of fun, sun and beach, enjoy! The Blog Train was organized by The Brat Pack Blog Train.
A continuación les presento mi colaboración:/This is my collaboration:
Download 1 --- Expired link
Download 2 --- Expired link
Download 2 --- Expired link
Siguientes estaciones: / Next Stations
Stina ::designs by stina::
Tootypup: Tootypup Scraps
Candy: Candys Treasures
Charlene: Memory Lane Creations
Crys: Sinfully Creative Scraps
Crystal: Crystal's Creations
Dani: Darkmoon's Dream
Dilcia: Disya's Digital Designs
Donna: Jessica's Sweet Nothings
Edna: Ahava's Creative Ideas
Foxy: Designs by Foxylady
Jenny: Jenny's Designz
Kara: Sweet Cravings Scraps
Melissa: Melissa's Scraps and More
Nette's NightOwl Works
Pam: CafeKittyDesigns
Pink: Pink's Poetic Scraps
Rae: Designs by Rae
Stef: Stef's Creations
miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010
Zoo Collab Pack in LNG
Lollipops n Gumdrops está dando a sus clientes un hermoso paquete de Colaboración. El temá es el Zoológico. En la compra de $5 o más, obtendrán este pack de Scrap kits gratis, solo ingresen el cupon que encontrarán en el frente de la tienda y esta colaboración será de ustedes. A continuación está mi parte en esta Colaboración y también, una imagen de los kits que la integran.
Lollipops n Gumdrops is giving to their customers a beautiful package Collaboration. The theme is the Zoo. In the purchase of $ 5 or more, get this pack of Scrap kits free, just enter the coupon found in the front of the store and this collaboration will be yours. Here is my part in this partnership and also a picture of the kits that you'll obtain with this collaboration pack. Enjoy it!!!
Lollipops n Gumdrops is giving to their customers a beautiful package Collaboration. The theme is the Zoo. In the purchase of $ 5 or more, get this pack of Scrap kits free, just enter the coupon found in the front of the store and this collaboration will be yours. Here is my part in this partnership and also a picture of the kits that you'll obtain with this collaboration pack. Enjoy it!!!
Da clic en la imagen para ir a la tienda/ Click in the image to go to the store
50% Off in all my Kits and CU
Actualmente podrán encontrar una venta del 50% de descuento en todos mis productos: Scrap Kits (full size y tagger size) y elementos de uso Comercial.
Podrán encontrar estas ventas en las siguientes tiendas:
Currently you can find a sale of 50% discount on all my products: Scrap Kits (full size and tagger size) and elements of commercial use.
You can find these sales at the following stores:
Podrán encontrar estas ventas en las siguientes tiendas:
So Sweet Scraps
The Creativity Box
Enchanted Dreams Boutique
Estará disponible del 1 de Mayo al 25 de Mayo.
Currently you can find a sale of 50% discount on all my products: Scrap Kits (full size and tagger size) and elements of commercial use.
You can find these sales at the following stores:
So Sweet Scraps
The Creativity Box
Enchanted Dreams Boutique
Will be available from May 1st to May 25th.
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