lunes, 28 de junio de 2010
Tag Made with my Part in the Collab Rocker Chic
Hola a todos, en estos días no he escrito mucho, sin embargo, he estado trabajando en varios proyectos que estoy segura les encantarán! Son algunos kits y packs de elementos. Cuando era niña me gustaba mucho que mi madre me leyera cuentos, ella tenía un libro que se llamaba "Florilegio de Cuentos" y recuerdo una historia en particular, se llamaba "El Ruiseñor y la Rosa", era un historia triste y romántica, de la cual les hablaré en otra ocasión pues seguramente me extenderé. La razón de mencionar esto es, que desde que recuerdo he amado escuchar historias, me fascina, creo que soy una buena oyente. Cuando salgo al centro de la ciudad, suelo mirar los rostros de las personas que caminan a mi lado y me pregunto qué historias existirán detrás de cada uno de aquellos rostros... sin duda, todas interesantes y dignas de escuchar. A veces, intento imaginar un poco estas historias... y esto finalmente, es lo que me impulsa al crear mis kits, contar una historia o dejar una puerta abierta para que cada uno de ustedes creen su propia historia.
Alguno de los proyectos en los que estoy trabajndo actualmente son precisamente eso, el inicio de una historia y cada uno de ustedes, podrán continuarlas al crear sus layouts o kits con los elementos que las conforman.
Bien, en esta ocasión deseo mostrarles una hermosa tag que fue hecha con mi parte en la Collaboración Rocker Chic que elaboré para Enchanted Dreams Boutique, esta colaboracion está disponible en la tienda actualmente. Esta tag fue hecha por Faith Richards y pueden encontrar el tutorial en su fantastico blog: , donde podrán encontrar otros maravillosos tutoriales. Faith, muchas gracias!! Es una hermosa tag!
Hello everyone, these days I have not written much, but I've been working on several projects that I'm sure you will love! Will be kits and elements packs. As a child I loved my mother read me stories, she had a book called "Anthology of Stories" and I remember one particular story was called "The Nightingale and the Rose" was a sad and romantic story of which I will speak on another occasion for surely I will have much to comment about it. The reason for mentioning this is that since I remember I loved to hear stories, I think that that is why I'm a good listener. When I go to downtown, i see the people walking by my side and I wonder what stories exist behind each of those faces ... all interesting and worth to listening. At times, try to imagine some of these stories ... and this is what inspires me to create my kits, tell a story or leave the door open so that each one of you create your own history.
Some of the projects I'm currently working are just that, the beginning of a story that you may continue to create your layout or kits with the elements that i create.
Well, this time I want to show a beautiful tag that was made with my part in the Collaboration Rocker Chic organized by Enchanted Dreams Boutique, this collaboration is available in the store today. This tag was made by Faith Richards and can be find the tutorial on her fantastic blog:, where you can find other wonderful tutorials. Faith, thank you very much! It is a beautiful tag!
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
Lollipops n Gumdrops Collaboration
Lollipops n Gumdrops tiene también una Colaboración este mes, el tema es un día en la playa. =)
Mirando esta colaboración me entran unas ganas de irme a la playa... y es que vivo en una ciudad costera, asi que la playa está relativamente cerca y bueno, con este calor!!
Bien, aqui están algunas imagenes y mi kit parte de esta colaboración. Disfrútenlo! =)
Lollipops n Gumdrops has a collaboration kits too. The theme is a day at the beach. =)
Watching this collaboration i would like go to the beach ...I live in near to the beach, and with this warm climate you can imagine that the beach would be the paradise!
Well, here are some pictures and my part for this collaboration. Enjoy! =)
Some of the great designers at Lollipops N Gumdrops are bringing to you another great collab! This month they are getting everyone in the mood for those great beach vacations!
This great collab includes 10 awesome kits and 1 set of commercial use styles that help get everyone in the beach combing mood! Purchase this kit for only $5.00 or make any purchase of $5.00 or more and get this great collab free!
If purchasing $5.00 or more just use coupon code Beach when checking out to receive this great collab free!
Mirando esta colaboración me entran unas ganas de irme a la playa... y es que vivo en una ciudad costera, asi que la playa está relativamente cerca y bueno, con este calor!!
Bien, aqui están algunas imagenes y mi kit parte de esta colaboración. Disfrútenlo! =)
Lollipops n Gumdrops has a collaboration kits too. The theme is a day at the beach. =)
Watching this collaboration i would like go to the beach ...I live in near to the beach, and with this warm climate you can imagine that the beach would be the paradise!
Well, here are some pictures and my part for this collaboration. Enjoy! =)
Some of the great designers at Lollipops N Gumdrops are bringing to you another great collab! This month they are getting everyone in the mood for those great beach vacations!
This great collab includes 10 awesome kits and 1 set of commercial use styles that help get everyone in the beach combing mood! Purchase this kit for only $5.00 or make any purchase of $5.00 or more and get this great collab free!
If purchasing $5.00 or more just use coupon code Beach when checking out to receive this great collab free!
Rocker Chic Collab - Enchanted Dreams Boutique
Otra novedad este día es la Colaboración que Enchanted Dreams Boutique ofrece. El tema es el Rock. Esta colaboración consiste en una serie de preciosos kits hechos por las diseñadoras de EDB. Estoy segura que los disfrutarán enormemente. Aquí algunas imagenes e información de como conseguir esta sensacional colaboración. Esta es mi parte, pero ustedes podrán encontrar varios kits en esta colaboración:
Other new today is the collaboration that Enchanted Dreams Boutique offers. The theme is the Rock. This collaboration is a pack of beautiful kits made by the designers of EDB. I'm sure you will enjoy them a lot. Here are some pictures and information on how to get this stunning collaboration. This is my part, but you will find several kits in this colaboration:
New Colab "Rocker Chic" Grab it today for $6.00 or purchase atleast $10 worth of products at EDB and get the kit FREE! (Please allow 48 hrs to recieve code)
Other new today is the collaboration that Enchanted Dreams Boutique offers. The theme is the Rock. This collaboration is a pack of beautiful kits made by the designers of EDB. I'm sure you will enjoy them a lot. Here are some pictures and information on how to get this stunning collaboration. This is my part, but you will find several kits in this colaboration:
New Tag made with my PTU Kit "Dream Princess"
Buen inicio de semana a todos, después de un fin de semana relajante, empiezo el día de hoy con muchas novedades: una nueva tag, y una colaboración muy interesante en Enchanted Dreams Boutique.
Para empezar, quiero presentar esta hermosa Tag hecha por Maree Giles, pueden encontrar este sensacional tutorial en su blog: Maree tiene hermosos tutoriales en su blog.
Maree, muchas gracias por esta hermosa tag! =)
Good start to the week at all, after a relaxing weekend, I begin today with some new news: a new tag, and a very interesting collaboration in Enchanted Dreams Boutique.
To begin, I want to present this beautiful Tag made by Maree Giles, you can find this stunning tutorial on her blog: Maree has wonderful tutorials on her blog.
Maree, thank you very much for this beautiful tag! =)
Para empezar, quiero presentar esta hermosa Tag hecha por Maree Giles, pueden encontrar este sensacional tutorial en su blog: Maree tiene hermosos tutoriales en su blog.
Maree, muchas gracias por esta hermosa tag! =)
Good start to the week at all, after a relaxing weekend, I begin today with some new news: a new tag, and a very interesting collaboration in Enchanted Dreams Boutique.
To begin, I want to present this beautiful Tag made by Maree Giles, you can find this stunning tutorial on her blog: Maree has wonderful tutorials on her blog.
Maree, thank you very much for this beautiful tag! =)
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
.60 cts Retiring Sale!!
También podrán encontrar algunos kits y elementos a un super precio: 60 cts. Estos kits y elementos estan por ser retirados (hay que dejar lugar para que llegue lo nuevo), asi que solo por este mes, estarán disponibles a este precio, solo en Scrappetizing y en Lollipops n Gumdrops.
Que lo disfruten!!
You can also find some kits and elements for a super price: 60 cents. These kits and elements will be retired (we will prepare the arrive of new products), so just for this month, these items will be available at this price, only in Scrappetizing and LollipopsnGumdrops.
Enjoy it!
Que lo disfruten!!
You can also find some kits and elements for a super price: 60 cents. These kits and elements will be retired (we will prepare the arrive of new products), so just for this month, these items will be available at this price, only in Scrappetizing and LollipopsnGumdrops.
Enjoy it!
Otra venta que podrán encontrar durante este mes, en Scrappetizing y en Lollipops and Gumdrops es una venta de solo CU items, por tiempo limitado, podrán encontrar todos mis CU y CU4CU a $1.00. =)
Another sale that you will find during this month in Scrappetizing and Lollipops and Gumdrops is a CU selling items only for a limited time, you can find all my CU and CU4CU to $ 1.00. =)
Another sale that you will find during this month in Scrappetizing and Lollipops and Gumdrops is a CU selling items only for a limited time, you can find all my CU and CU4CU to $ 1.00. =)
50% Off Sale!!
Buen día, durante este mes de Junio tendremos algunas ventas importantes. =) Para empezar, en The Creativity Box y Enchanted Dreams Boutique, tendré una venta del 50% de descuento. Todos mis kits, CU's, etc, estarán en 50% de descuento.
Existen algunos kits o items que podrán encontrar en unas tiendas, pero en otras no, ya que deseo proporcionar kits y cu's diferentes. En fin, ya les contaré como va todo. =) Bien, aquí esta el ad, disfruten esta venta. =)
Good day for the month of June we will have some significant sales. =) First, in The Creativity Box and Enchanted Dreams Boutique, i will have a 50% off sale. All my kits, CU's, etc, will be at 50% discount.
There are some kits or items you'll find in some stores but not in others, because I want to provide kits and different cu's. Anyway, I'll tell you how everything goes. =) Well, here's the ad, enjoy the sale. =)
Existen algunos kits o items que podrán encontrar en unas tiendas, pero en otras no, ya que deseo proporcionar kits y cu's diferentes. En fin, ya les contaré como va todo. =) Bien, aquí esta el ad, disfruten esta venta. =)
Good day for the month of June we will have some significant sales. =) First, in The Creativity Box and Enchanted Dreams Boutique, i will have a 50% off sale. All my kits, CU's, etc, will be at 50% discount.
There are some kits or items you'll find in some stores but not in others, because I want to provide kits and different cu's. Anyway, I'll tell you how everything goes. =) Well, here's the ad, enjoy the sale. =)
miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
CU Grab Bag - For The Love of Cameron
Buenas noches a todos, estos días han sido especiales, bueno, la vida en si es especial, pero estos días han sido para recordar. Han pasado muchas cosas y creo que hay etapas en nuestra vida donde por alguna razón, nos volvemos conscientes de cosas que quizá antes, sabíamos que estaban presentes pero no eramos totalmente conscientes de ello. El trabajo ha aumentado, pero ha sido gratificante.
Hay algunas ventas en este momento, pero de ello les hablaré otro día. Esta ocasión, esta entrada en lo que yo veo no solo como un blog sino como un diario, quiero platicarles de una colaboración que hicimos recientemente mis compañeras de Scrappetizing y yo. Como pueden leer en el encabezado, se trata de una Grab Bag llena de elementos CU. Todos los proyectos son especiales, y dejamos siempre no solo parte de nuestra creatividad, sino sentimientos, sueños, ideas. Este proyecto intenta prestar un poquito de ayuda. Esta colaboración es muy especial, a continuación podrán leer un poco más acerca de esta especial colaboración.
Good evening everyone, these days have been special, well, life by itself is special, but these days were special. A lot has happened and I think there are stages in our life where for some reason, we become aware of things that maybe before, we knew that were there but we were not fully aware of it. The work has increased but has been great.
There are some sales at the moment, but I'll share with all of you another day. This time, this entry in what I see as not only a blog, but journal, I would like to talk about a recently collaboration made by the girls that design for Scrappetizing. As you can read in the header, it is a Grab Bag full of CU items. All projects are special, and we not express only part of our creativity, but feelings, dreams, ideas. This project try to provide a little help. This collaboration is special, you can read more details about this special project. =)
CU Grab Bag - For The Love of Cameron
This huge Commercial use Grab Bag (all 502Mb of it) has been created by a group of the Scrappetizing Design Team.
We have created this grab bag to help a very special little boy who is the grandson of one of our designers. You can read about Cameron and his story HERE
All proceeds from the sale of this bag will be donated to help Cameron's family achieve their goal of taking him to the USA for treatment on the Son-Rise Program.
Hay algunas ventas en este momento, pero de ello les hablaré otro día. Esta ocasión, esta entrada en lo que yo veo no solo como un blog sino como un diario, quiero platicarles de una colaboración que hicimos recientemente mis compañeras de Scrappetizing y yo. Como pueden leer en el encabezado, se trata de una Grab Bag llena de elementos CU. Todos los proyectos son especiales, y dejamos siempre no solo parte de nuestra creatividad, sino sentimientos, sueños, ideas. Este proyecto intenta prestar un poquito de ayuda. Esta colaboración es muy especial, a continuación podrán leer un poco más acerca de esta especial colaboración.
Good evening everyone, these days have been special, well, life by itself is special, but these days were special. A lot has happened and I think there are stages in our life where for some reason, we become aware of things that maybe before, we knew that were there but we were not fully aware of it. The work has increased but has been great.
There are some sales at the moment, but I'll share with all of you another day. This time, this entry in what I see as not only a blog, but journal, I would like to talk about a recently collaboration made by the girls that design for Scrappetizing. As you can read in the header, it is a Grab Bag full of CU items. All projects are special, and we not express only part of our creativity, but feelings, dreams, ideas. This project try to provide a little help. This collaboration is special, you can read more details about this special project. =)
CU Grab Bag - For The Love of Cameron
This huge Commercial use Grab Bag (all 502Mb of it) has been created by a group of the Scrappetizing Design Team.
We have created this grab bag to help a very special little boy who is the grandson of one of our designers. You can read about Cameron and his story HERE
All proceeds from the sale of this bag will be donated to help Cameron's family achieve their goal of taking him to the USA for treatment on the Son-Rise Program.
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