jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hi to everyone!! As you know i have been hosting some challenges at Wilma4Ever Store. The past months has been very difficult for me. Problems about the health of my family, a new job and many other things, but i continue tunned with all of you. :-) This month i will release interesting things for all of you but today, i have a couple of challenges for you, so you can have a good time and a lot of fun.

This month i am hosting a Font Challenge and a Jorunal Challenge at the Wilma4Ever Store Forum. About what are these challenges? The thing is simple, just let free your creativity and using the mini kit that i am providing, make a Layout. You can participate during this month (april) in these challenges.  If you participate, you will get this mini kit that is only for Wilma4Ever store, but you can win a prize if you participate. All the participants will win a prize. The Mini Kit for the Challenge will be available for free for a limited time.

Join us, and mix the spring with the fantasy in an awesome layout, here is more information. ;-)

Hola a todos! Como saben, he sido anfitriona de algunos retos en la tienda de Wilma4Ever. Los pasados meses han sido muy dificiles para mi. Problemas acerca de la salud de mi familia, un nuevo trabajo y muchas otras cosas, pero continuo en sintonia con todos ustedes. :-) Este mes lanzare interesantes cosas para todos ustedes, pero hoy, tengo un par de retos para ustedes, de modo que podran pasar un buen rato y tener mucha diversion.

Este mes soy anfitriona de los Font Challenge y en el Journal Challenge en el foro de Wilma4Ever. Acerca de que tratan estos Challenges o Retos? La cosa es simple, solo libera tu creatividad y usando el mini kit que estoy proporcionando, has una layout. Puedes participar durante este mes (Abril) en estos Challenges. Si tu participas, obtendras este mini kit que es solo para la tienda Wilma4Ever, pero tambien puedes ganar un premio si participas. Todos los participantes ganaran un premio. El mini kit para estos Challenge, estara disponible gratuitamente solo por tiempo limitado.

Unetenos, y mezcla la primavera con la fantasia en una fantastica layout, mas informacion a continuacion. :-)


I will be with you during the April Month with the Font Challenge!!! The theme of this challenge will be about spring and easter. I know that you will enjoy.  More info and a free mini kit for this challenge, check detailed information here:
All the participants will win a great prize.


Welcome All to the Spring Fantasy Journal Challenge with Disyas Digital Designs!!
This time, i have a beautiful theme for you to make your Journal layout:
*** Fantasy Spring ***
I have a fantasy mini kit waitinf for you to realize this Challenge so you can use it to make
your layout and create a beautiful designs where you can mix the fantasy and the spring. :-)
Find more detailed information here:
All the participants will win a great prize.

Here is the mini kit for these challenges:
*** This kit consis of 3 Parts, you will find one here, find the other 2 going to Wilma4Ever Forum here or here."

(Not all shown)


This mini kit contain fantasy and spring elements, i know that you will
enjoy it. This mini kit is separated in 3 parts. Here you will can get
the first part, to find the other 2 parts, go to the forum of Wilma4Ever
and enter to the Font Challenge and the Journal Challenge.
I invite you to release you creativity and design a beautiful layout
using these awesome elements. All the participants to the challenge,
will get a prize.
Mini kit, full size, personal use.
Enjoy it!

Part 3 of the Kit, find the other 2 going for more information to Wilma4Ever Forum Challenges (links to the challenges shared above)
Hola, si te gustan mis contenidos, por favor, vota por mi blog en uno de los siguientes blinkies. =) Gracias!! Hi, if you like my blog, could you gift me a vote on one of the next blinkies, i'll appreciate. Tnx!!
Joanne's Digital Designs Topsite

Part 3: