miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

CU Grab Bag - For The Love of Cameron

Buenas noches a todos, estos días han sido especiales, bueno, la vida en si es especial, pero estos días han sido para recordar. Han pasado muchas cosas y creo que hay etapas en nuestra vida donde por alguna razón, nos volvemos conscientes de cosas que quizá antes, sabíamos que estaban presentes pero no eramos totalmente conscientes de ello. El trabajo ha aumentado, pero ha sido gratificante.

Hay algunas ventas en este momento, pero de ello les hablaré otro día. Esta ocasión, esta entrada en lo que yo veo no solo como un blog sino como un diario, quiero platicarles de una colaboración que hicimos recientemente mis compañeras de Scrappetizing y yo. Como pueden leer en el encabezado, se trata de una Grab Bag llena de elementos CU. Todos los proyectos son especiales, y dejamos siempre no solo parte de nuestra creatividad, sino sentimientos, sueños, ideas. Este proyecto intenta prestar un poquito de ayuda. Esta colaboración es muy especial, a continuación podrán leer un poco más acerca de esta especial colaboración.

Good evening everyone, these days have been special, well, life by itself is special, but these days were special. A lot has happened and I think there are stages in our life where for some reason, we become aware of things that maybe before, we knew that were there but we were not fully aware of it. The work has increased but has been great.

There are some sales at the moment, but I'll share with all of you another day. This time, this entry in what I see as not only a blog, but journal, I would like to talk about a recently collaboration made by the girls that design for Scrappetizing. As you can read in the header, it is a Grab Bag full of CU items. All projects are special, and we not express only part of our creativity, but feelings, dreams, ideas. This project try to provide a little help. This collaboration is special, you can read more details about this special project. =)


CU Grab Bag - For The Love of Cameron

This huge Commercial use Grab Bag (all 502Mb of it) has been created by a group of the Scrappetizing Design Team.
We have created this grab bag to help a very special little boy who is the grandson of one of our designers. You can read about Cameron and his story HERE
All proceeds from the sale of this bag will be donated to help Cameron's family achieve their goal of taking him to the USA for treatment on the Son-Rise Program.

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