Yes!!! This is my new kit. I took some time to finish it, had a lot of work, and some problems with my computer (many in a month), but finally i have finished and here is! Loved this kit as other before, to me have magic that is way i named "Magical Fall". =) This kit is huge: 18 papers, 124 elements, bows, ribbons, and frames and in addition, i have added to the kit the Cluster Frame pack, so, you will have many elements if you buy it, besides, you can get all the freebies that comes from this great kit! The kit will be with a 30% off for a limited time, so, im sure that you will enjoy!!
I hope you enjoy the layouts made with elements of the kit, im sure that the elements of the kit will be a perfect background for you lovely photos. My blog design was made by me with elements of the same kit, so, you can see what you'll get with this great kit!! Have fun!! =)

Kit Available at:
Inspirations of Scrapfriends